PGA Professional Steve Johnston provides you with some useful tips and things you MUST do to make the smooth transition from the range to the course.

From the world’s finest to a high handicapper, every golfer will have lamented the fact that they were swinging the club beautifully on the range but couldn’t bring that same motion to where it matters; the course.

In this golf lesson, Steve encourages the golfer to amalgamate the practice swing into the actual shot. That’s easier said than done, of course. Once you’ve made a perfect practice swing, a golfer will make a “compensation for impact”.

Steve’s instinctive drill will help you avoid such a compensation and, gradually, the real swing should become the same as the practice swing. By doing these reps over the ball before one of the reps becomes the actual shot, you should feel the comparison between “feel” and “real”.

About Steve Johnston

PGA Advanced professional Steve Johnston is a hugely successful YouTuber, a member of the Bunkered magazine tuition panel and creator of the 'Eureka Golf Swing' (