- Advanced PGA Professional
- PGA Coach
- Tour Experience
- Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Golf
- Short Game Specialist
- Active Player in PGA events
- Get into Golf
- Taster Sessions
- Free Junior Sessions
My name is Daniel Field and I am the Head Professional at East Herts Golf Club. Along with my 3 fellow professionals at the club we offer every option to every golfer looking to improve and understand the game more. Our customers range from complete Beginners to Tour Professionals, and we aim to make sure that the experience and enjoyment of the lessons is suited to the customers needs. We believe that the best lessons are on the course but also offer lessons on the range, chipping and putting green. Had enough of being Rubbish Package? £300 9 Hole Playing lesson with 3 x 45 minute lessons to follow up on all that's been learnt about your game on the golf course. Constant communication and feedback during the Coaching period. Help with understanding Statistics, Playing in different weather and seasons, Course Strategy, Fitness, nutrition, Equipment, Short Game, Putting, golf psychology and much much more...? Sometimes even Swing! The Perfect Gift or Package for the golfer or partner that keeps complaining about being rubbish! Golf is so much more then just a swing, in fact if the swing is 1 piece of the jigsaw, golf is at least a 100 piece puzzle!!
26 years as a PGA Professional
Hamels Park
Hamels Park